Bestellung Informationsmittel You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Broschüre "Die Blutspende: Was Sie wissen sollten" Broschüre "Die Blutstammzellspende: Was Sie wissen sollten" Flyer: "Blutstammzellspende: Wie Sie Leben retten können" Anrede Bitte auswählenHerrFrau Nachname Vorname School/Company Strasse, Nr. PLZ Ort Telefon E-Mail Nachricht By submitting my data, I consent to the storage and processing thereof by Swiss Transfusion SRC for the purpose of contacting me in relation to my enquiry. Personal data, private addresses and e-mail addresses will, of course, be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. I have read the above declaration and agree to it. Leave this field blank